Make Your

Goals Stick to You

A self-study online course for people with BIG goals and LITTLE time. Harness the power of goal attainment and transform your life.

"I have taken several courses on goal setting. This is, without doubt, from all of them, the most realistic look at setting yourself up to achieve goals in the middle of a real, normal, messy life. I know I will be referring back to the sections on embodiment and motivation often. I'm half deaf, so I really appreciated as well that the course comes with a written transcript of the videos."


Achieve your most important goals
without putting your life on hold or getting burned out.

You're ready to transform your life, and you have goals that will take you to the next level. You've even begun working on these goals in the past, but you weren't able to follow through. Life happens, and obstacles arise in many forms:

You start off feeling super motivated, but that feeling wears off over time.

You work multiple jobs or an odd schedule, which prevent you from following a daily routine.

You are self-disciplined, but eventually get burned out and feel like you're missing out in life.

 Imposter syndrome creeps up, resulting in self-sabotage and not finishing what you started.

This is why so many give up on their dreams and settle for a life of mediocrity. But it doesn’t have to be this way! What if instead you could:

Re-motivate yourself when your first wind runs out

Create an action plan that takes your crazy schedule into account

Enjoy your life WHILE working on your goals instead of putting fun on hold

Feel confident that this time you WILL see your goals to completion and transform your life

Good news--it's totally possible!

Hi, I'm Krystina.

I created Make Your Goals Stick to You to help you transform your life by achieving your goals. 

My own journey to accomplish life-transforming goals has been a tough one. Fortunately, I figured out how to achieve my goals while juggling multiple jobs and being a single mom with little support. I've been able to support us, get a college degree, establish my career, run businesses, learn Portuguese, and meet my fitness goals. I'm always working on several goals at a time.  

I designed the course to help you create a flexible routine, or plan of action, that will empower you to achieve the goals that will transform your life the most.

This self-study course has 5 modules designed to help you make a realistic plan for HOW you can achieve your goals, even with your unique schedule and responsibilities (because adulting is hard). Each module has both a learning component and an action component, so you will immediately get to work.

Here's what's included:

Video lessons 

Video transcripts (unedited) 

Audio only files for listening on the go 

Tasks and worksheets so you can take action right away 

You will reassess your goals and discover a renewed sense of passion, energy and clarity.

You will craft a flexible routine that you'll be able to stick to and adapt, no matter what life throws your way!

You will develop a range of powerful habits which will help you become the best version of yourself and unlock the exceptional potential within you.

This lesson is all about the debilitating effects of burnout and things you can do to prevent it.

Lesson 5 is all about techniques to stay motivated and keep a positive mindset.

Who is this course for?

This course will work for you if:

You are already clear on your goals.

You are willing to rethink the limitations that have been put on you.

You are already busy, but willing to set aside a little time most days to take small action steps.

This course may not be the right fit at the moment if:

You are not clear on what your goals are.

You do not feel strongly about transforming your life.
You cannot set aside a little time every day to work on your goals.

If this describes your situation, you might want to wait until you feel ready. 

Make Your Habits Stick to You Course

Contact information

Billing address

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal


Make Your Goals Stick to YOU$197

  • Total payment
  • 1xMake Your Goals Stick to YOU$197

All prices in USD

Frequently Asked Questions
  • When does the course start and finish?
    This is a "go at your own pace" course. You can start as soon as your purchase is complete and your account is created, and do it at the best time for you.

  • How long will I have access to the course?
    You will have lifetime access to the course and will also get any updates I make at no additional charge.
  • How do I access the course materials?
    The course is hosted on Thrivecart. You'll be able to log in to your course at any time. The course has video lessons, and each lesson is accompanied by an audio only file and written transcripts.
  • What is the refund policy?
    If you are not satisfied with the course, you have 7 days from date of purchase to request a refund.